To grow the Sisters of Code community in Cambodia and develop new talents, as well as make coding skills accessible to more girls in Cambodia, Sisters of Code is launching a new cohort of Sisters of Code Ambassadors! This program is available for FREE thanks to the funding from Liechtenstein Development Service.
This program would offer you skills and knowledge as well as opportunities, such as:
How to stay safe online
Leadership and presentation skills
Project planning and management
Coding skills, following the Sisters of Code curriculum.
Work readiness program with Deloitte's resources
We invite you to join our program if you wish to improve yourself and support the growing community of Sisters of Code.
What will you learn?
You will be learning with experts in the field of technology, leadership, project management, and more. You will meet real role models and get international experience with the award-winning Sisters of Code program. The course consists of 5 modules and will take place on the weekend:
Group 1: Study in class at IT Academy STEP Cambodia
Group 2: Study online ( (best for students from the provinces, who are unable to attend physical lessons in Phnom Penh)
Course Curriculum:
Cybersecurity and Internet Protection
Leadership development and Presentation Skills
Project Planning and Management
Module 1: - fundamentals of visual programming
Module 2: Scratch - creating games and animations
Module 3: Website Development
Module 4: Artificial Intelligence fundamentals
Module 5: Deloitte Work Readiness Program
Who can join the program?
The training is free for the students and will be useful for everyone who wishes to get involved in the Sisters of Code community and learn how to lead training programs or become a better ICT teacher.
Participation requirements:
Profile: Cambodian female, 18+ y.o.
Skills: some background in IT (at least HTML, CSS level) and English skills
Interests and Motivations: Interest in pedagogy and teaching, passion in empowering and inspiring other girls to study in the tech field, motivated to create and run a Sisters of Code club.
Why join the program?
After the successful graduation, you will receive Sisters of Code Ambassador status, as well as a certificate and access to the teaching materials to run Sisters of Code clubs in your schools or communities. The best trainers will be offered a paid job as a part-time trainer and continuous support. You can bring a real impact on society.
How to join the program?
To join a program, a candidate should apply before January 8, 2024, by filling in the online form and successful candidates will be invited for further interviews. Only 30 applicants will be accepted to join Sisters of Code Ambassadors program.
This program is created and managed by IT Academy STEP Cambodia funded by the Liechtenstein Development Service.